
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)5/08/2020 8:07:07 am PDT

re: #146 BigPapa

I’m struck by the concept of Infotainment as stated by Ailes when questioned about journalism. Talk about walking up and seeing the problem then shrugging and walking away. InfoWars, Limbaugh, all can hide behind the shield of Infotainment when scrutiny is applied and once removed, act as a reliable and objective source again. Or, everybody is biased, don’t you want to be on the winning biased team? One is not encumbered by the rules when you operate on the fringes of them, stepping outside when convenient only to step back inside when it’s safe.

There’s an old saying about camel’s nose in a tent because the whole camel will soon be inside. This applies to the early days of Limbaugh up and through CNN’s ‘paid commentators’ who were political party surrogates. The camel is most definitely in the tent.

Same model as professional wrestling. Claim to be sport/athletics up to the point that standards thereof need to be applied and then it transforms into entertainment with a totally different set of standards.

The University of Pittsburgh toes that line as well. Claims to be a public university when that is the beneficial tack to take and then switches to claiming to be a private university when other challenges appear. It’s a “state-related” university and thus has this hybrid public-private status.