
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Hecuba's daughter4/18/2022 8:27:11 am PDT

re: #162 No Malarkey!

I’m not talking about revolting against a lawful election. I’m talking about revolting against an attempt to end lawful elections. If the GOP tries to reject the voters’ will and impose Trump on us, we cannot allow that to stand. If Trump somehow wins based on the actual votes cast, he wins, but we don’t give up on democracy, just like we didn’t give up after he won in 2016.

But our Constitution permits the candidate who wins 65% of the vote to lose the election; just remember even though Biden won the popular vote by 7 million votes, the change of fewer than 80,000 votes would have resulted in a Trump victory. Gerrymandering and voter suppression, as well as the inherent design of the Senate and the Electoral College, can lead to a permanent small minority controlling everything forever.