
Seth Meyers: Trump Distances Himself From Sidney Powell Amid Another Surprise Guilty Plea in GA

Yeah Sure WhatEVs10/24/2023 3:46:27 am PDT

re: #165 Nerdy Fish

While that’s true, and I would expect them to try novel legal arguments in a case that is the first of its kind (a former president being tried for what essentially amounts to seditious conspiracy, even though that is not one of the charges currently on the docket), there is a line between “novel legal arguments” and “stupid legal arguments.” Some of these are stupid legal arguments, and I hope the court calls them out as such. Note that the court likely won’t do anything to him or his lawyers over it, as courts generally give lawyers an opportunity to understand that they have made a grave mistake before the punishment starts.

Remember that trump is used to throwing every legal argument at the wall in hopes that his litigants would run out of money and go away. The US gov ain’t gonna play that.