
Canada's Science Minister: A Creationist?

eschew_obfuscation3/18/2009 1:17:18 pm PDT

re: #148 tackle

I agree with the above, but let’s judge on what he does, not what he privately believes. Here’s the thing. I’m not a creationist, but I am religious and sometimes I feel that some of this negativity toward creationists spills over onto people of faith. I know Charles has said that Christian and creationists are not synonymous and I appreciate that. What I don’t like is the witch-hunt mentality that sometimes creeps out on these boards.
Again, if he is not fit for the position, then I will be happy if he is thrown out. Let’s see what he does.
(Heh. Knowing my luck he’ll introduce young-earth creationist agenda next week.)

Along those lines, I think that the term “Creationist” as we use it here is not widely understood in the same way we understand it.

In a broad use of the word, a “creationist” is one who believes God created the world ….. which would encompass the beliefs of most Christians and Jews ….. hell, even Muslims.

As we use it here, it refers to those who believe in Young Earth Creationism, or that the world was created as it is now at some point in the past and that these things are antithetical to Evolution.

I think we need to be careful, as you suggest, to observe what a person actually says about his beliefs or does with them before condemning him with the latter definition.