
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

CyanSnowHawk10/20/2009 6:49:26 pm PDT

re: #156 LudwigVanQuixote

Really you missed all the links in 142 or the science arguments in the other links as well.

Look you idiots, he denies peer review.

Don’t you get that?

He denies peer review.

That makes him not a scientist!

He says that the rigor on journal peer reviews for publishing is lacking in comparison to peer review where human safety is concerned. He does not deny peer review. Get your panties untwisted and make an effort to refute his arguments without calling him names. It would be nice if you would write a general summary of the point you are trying to make rather than simply pasting a link to a paper quoting the abstract and saying QED.