
The Comment That Killed Global Warming (Not)

Scannit12/02/2009 11:22:30 am PST

Some people have been attempting to categorize this data exposure as a ‘much ado about nothing’ incident. Nothing to see, move along folks…
Well, if I were to change this around a little bit. If you were to replace:

-Climate Research Unit (CRU) with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

-Replace Phil Jones (CRU chief ) with George Bush (Commander in Chief)

-Replace Michael Mann with Dick Cheney

-Replace AGW with IRAQ

And so on…..

This story would be a leftist wet dream. If Bush had e-mails eluding deception, that would put into question everything else. Investigations would be called, and rightfully so. People would be held accountable for their actions. The people at the center of the claims in question should be called upon, under oath, to explain their e-mails, with supporting evidence. But since that evidence was dumped (deleted) years ago, all they would have would be their recollections (Nixon Tapes?).. And if a war was started with falsified data, then people would have to be held accountable.

But this war on AGW is just that, started with shaky data. Is there data to show that the climate has changed? Yes.. Is there a correlation between CO2 and Temperature, Yes! But not the way these researchers are presenting it.

In Mr. Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth, he presented on his jumbo-tron a graph, going back millions of years, of the Earth’s temperatures. Then he superimposed the CO2 concentration onto the graph, it matched perfectly.. But there is a lie of omission. At that scale, you can not tell which came first, Temp rise or CO2 rise. It is a historical fact that CO2 concentration LAG Temperature change by 600 – 1000 years. If you scale the graph to the last few thousand years, you’ll see that the temperature rises then the CO2 follows about 800 years later. CO2 trails/lags/follows temperature. The current theory is that the oceans release CO2 as the temps rise. Since the oceans are such a large heat sink, it takes about 800 years for the change in temp to take effect.

In Mr. Gore’s testimony before the congress, he stated that the rising CO2 concentration was causing the temperatures to rise. He had his star witness scientist (name eludes me) testify to that effect. He was asked directly that if he was aware that it is a known association that historically, the temperatures have risen 600 – 1000 years BEFORE CO2 concentrations rise? The star scientists’ response (paraphrasing) Yes we know that, but we feel that in this incident, CO2 is driving temperatures.. He just shrugged it off.

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