

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)2/11/2010 6:43:55 am PST

re: #149 SasyMomaCat

When I adopted Cat II (also named “Patches” by the way) she was getting wet food for the first time after being under an almost total dry food diet with the original owners. She actually lost weight initially, along with a few other issues. (She has been diagnosed with hyperthyroid as well.) Turns out that the wet food has fewer calories than the dry for the most part. (And I was feeding more wet food since that is preferred for Cat I due to his age.)

Things have improved recently since I adjusted feeding patterns and have gotten both cats eating more dry food (specialized Hills Science Diet stuff for older cats for the most part.) Both cats have put on weight and Patches has put a pound back on since November. Still under 8 lbs though, and time to see if an alternate thyroid medication theory will work on her.

Cat I (Sherman) goes to the vet today for his checkup and rabies shot. Will have to see how the vet thinks he is doing. I have the impression that the thyroid will be fine, and his kidneys will be holding up well enough.

Aside: I’ve noticed something that might just apply to Siamese (whose fur color is related to body temp at that area of their body.) If they get sick and start losing fat and muscle mass, their coat color lightens as they have less insulation.