
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Kruk4/09/2010 6:05:39 am PDT

re: #160 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

He’s not good at bowling.
He’s doesn’t ride horses.
He doesn’t appear to be a swimmer. (We have a picture of him wading, not swimming)
Ain’t much of a golfer, IIRC.

He plays a lot of basketball with staff, even in a photo op with Clark Kellogg during the National Championship game. That is the sport that he plays. Bringing it up is NOT FUCKING RACIST!

Newt’s point was not relevant, wasn’t clever, but it WASN’T RACIST!

Bring up his choice of sport wasn’t racist. Attacking a black man in a way that panders to the “good at throwing a ball around, not much good at thinking” sterotype is racist. And if anyone believes that stereotype wasn’t anywhere in the minds of his audience until we thin skinned liberals brought it up, there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.