
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

thelacritic8/22/2010 5:11:17 pm PDT

re: #125 Cato the Elder

One hundred million dollars is doodleysquat for a new 13-storey building in Manhattan.

And I smell sock or troll comin’ off you. Just sayin’.

$100 million is “doodleysquat” especially in this current economy? I see the size of investment relative to other Islamic mosques. Why is it so important to build it there, even if they are 100% entitled to build it there especially if it’s a sizable amount of money. I’d like to think there are a lot better ways to put $100 million towards. Why is this building especially before the controversy? Maybe it is a way to bring the Muslim community closer into mainstream culture. But if dimwit is spending an extraordinary amount of money it stands to reason there must also be an extraordinary reason. You can infer good or bad from that. I asked a question to bring more facts into the debate and you suddenly get offended about trolls and sock puppets. Why so sensitive?