
Why Sen. Ensign Really Quit: Other Women, At Least One More Staffer

Walter L. Newton4/23/2011 4:03:08 pm PDT

Man it’s getting a bit exciting up here in the mountains this afternoon. One of the country sheriff cars TURNED AROUND IN MY DRIVEWAY and has now parked itself at the intersection 25 feet below my house.

I’m not sure why? There hasn’t been any major drug dealing at that intersection since May 1955. I know we have a herd of 8 deer that’s been grazing on the side of our mountain here… but I think that’s still legal.

I wonder… could someone in the neighborhood have complained about me walking out to the end of my driveway, going to get the mail, in my burgundy Nick and Nora pajamas? I don’t think that’s illegal… but maybe I’m suppose to change my wardrobe occasionally? Maybe I’ll step out in my speedos?

Maybe not?