
Oklahoma GOP Rep. Sally Kern: 'Blacks' Don't Work As Hard As White People

b_sharp4/28/2011 12:36:21 pm PDT

Affirmative action is considered racist by some self proclaimed meritocracy advocates because it gives non-CWM (Christian White Males) an unwarranted and artificial advantage. They reject the idea that there exists a systemic inequality of opportunity remaining in western social structures and they further reject the idea that we are to some degree a blank slate when we are born and become a composite of our experiences, sometimes prone to destructive and/or uncontrolled impulses.

There are a lot of buzz words used as comfort food by this group to help them ignore reality and misunderstand human psychology; responsibility, fault, lazy, welfare, bum, deterrent, scum, etc.

What I have seen in real life are people who are told they have no future, no chance to live the dream, no way of improving their situation so they might as well just abuse themselves and their families.

I have two brothers-in-law who are alcoholics, and a sister-in-law who died of a drug overdose while hooking in Vancouver. They weren’t always like that.