
Saturday Morning Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, With Yours Truly

allegro10/24/2015 1:17:50 pm PDT

re: #165 WhatEVs

I love long hair. Always had it my entire life. I can’t style my hair worth a shit but give me a pencil (or a hair stick, of which I have many) and I can make the most amazing styles with a variety of cool shaped buns and sticks).

My hair was down past my waist. I have waaaaay too much hair (very fine but a ton of it). When it gets too long I get headaches. About 2 months ago I got a massive headache (I thought I had an aneurysm. I went to the doctor. I didn’t.) Anyway, that night, I bent over and took of 6”. The next day I went to a salon and had them take off another 6”. A couple of months ago, I had it cut up above my shoulders.

I will never do that again. I hate it. I can’t keep it off of my face and I cannot style it. I need to repeatedly remind myself I can barely wield a blow dryer let alone a curling iron (I have stick straight hair).

I am going to let it grow to just below my shoulder blades and thin it with a high-end thinning shears.

You can easily go to waist length and still have what is considered very long hair.

If you’ve never thinned your hair before… think twice. Those short hairs grow out again and you will probably not be happy with the results.