
Keith Olbermann's Latest: Hamilton's Plan to Keep Trump From Becoming President

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/16/2016 2:23:15 am PST

re: #170 allegro

You are so correct. We think of climate change only how it affects us and we think, OK we got AC so what if it gets hotter? We have been trained to believe we aren’t critters and part of the natural world and thus not dependent on it. We believe we can control it to our advantage. We can’t. With every species that goes extinct which is happening at a shocking rate, our survival is ever more threatened. I explain our natural world as a giant brain. We can lose individual cells of it and survive just fine. When we lose chunks of it, whole sections of it, as in species extinction, we start to lose effectiveness. Lose too much, we die. We are at a precipice, a real sharp drop now. The sea rise is a big issue but we will not survive as a species for that to be the major issue.

The highlighted part is especially true of creationists/ID people. They believe that humans are divinely created as separate from all the other species which came before Adam in Genesis., and further that God will protect his children from catastrophe. So, they discount as mere silliness all the scientific evidence that points to serious, worldwide catastrophes as temperatures increase, and seem unconcerned about certain species becoming extinct.

Combine that attitude with the sincere expectation that Jesus is coming any day now to take all the chosen into heaven and you can see that they really could care less what happens to the Earth and the poor schmoes left behind. Rather, the attitude is take everything out we can get now before it’s too late to enjoy it.

Aside from wacky weather, no one in the USA has been seriously disadvantaged by global warming — yet. They may start to pay attention when sea levels start rising and their beach front homes are partly underwater.