
Video: Donald Trump Embarrasses the US Again With an Insane War-Mongering Speech at the UN

ObserverArt9/19/2017 12:59:16 pm PDT

re: #157 lawhawk

What makes quakes in Mexico City so damaging is that the land that Mexico City rests upon is not bedrock, but land that is far more susceptible to motion and liquefaction/subsidence.

The damage is going to be pretty bad, but after the 1985 quake, Mexico instituted rigorous seismic building codes, and newer buildings should do better. It’s the older ones you have to worry about - as well as those buildings that are adjacent to older structures.

If you have buildings swaying at different frequencies due to their height/size, they could damage each other in the process.

Mexico’s going to need lots of help, and Trump is going to prattle on about building a fucking wall. There isn’t a shred of decency in him or his admin (or the GOP at large, because they elected this sociopath).

I really hate to be cynical…but Trump.

I have a feeling he may see something like Mexico City and Pueblo destroyed as a good thing business wise.

Unfortunately he may also see starting a war with N. Korea as good too. As Lindsey Graham said, it would be over there. Over there means S. Korea gets hammered and possibly destroyed too. Another good thing for American business interests.

Less competition and needs for American stuff from both.

Sorry about thinking like this. It bothers me, but again…Trump. It really seems sometimes these things really do get considered. And with Trump it would not surprise me at all. He is pure evil when it comes to power and profit.