
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

Hecuba's daughter8/28/2020 8:12:25 am PDT

re: #90 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

asking people to die to defend freedom, liberty or justice is one thing, asking them to die so that the 1% don’t have to give up any of the 40% of America’s wealth they already own to help the remaining 99% is another…

But it’s also many small business owners and their employees who view this as a life and death struggle for their businesses — and who are willing to risk their lives to preserve their livelihoods, given the massive government failure (due to the GOP and their corruption) to provide sufficient and a continuing lifeline to support these people. The Democrats have to do more advertising to make the average voter realize that this failure is on the GOP.