
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

danrudy2/26/2009 5:51:28 pm PST

re: #69 zombie

She comes straight out and says:

Since we know the Bible is literally true, we need to re-interpret all data and toss out all observations which contradict the Bible.

Which is the definition of anti-science. Sheer crazytown.

I think this video is a very good example of why creationism should not be taught in schools.
She interprets her bible one way, someone another way and a different religion completely differently.
The only thing that should be taught is that which can be independently verified and observed. I suppose folks are then welcome to go home and fit these observations into whatever belief system they have (on their own time or with the help of their pastor, rabbi etc).
However, I don’t think she is crazy. She is merely trying to fit the observations into her belief system. In fact, within the framework of her system she is quite sane. I don’t fear her.