
The Red Museum

doubter44445/19/2009 9:56:09 am PDT

You know, to all those who feel this not just vindicates the invasion, but justifies it, I gotta call bull s@#t.

Sorry, but if’s that the case what about Mayanamar, and Darfur, most of Africa, and North Korea, Syria, all the ‘stans and even China?

Terrible stuff happens across the globe every moment of every day.

We pick strategic instances to use our might and the force of arms, and our national treasure, not because someone is evil and should be deposed or killed.
That’s just the cold hard reality.

If “he was a terrible person” was or becomes the reason we went in, the invasion does not hold up. And frankly sounds like a liberal point of view, I mean, are we the worlds policeman, as GWB said in 2000?
We went in for reasons that were ginned up.
Post rationalization can make it more palateable, but the bottom line remains that it was a decision made for number of geo political reasons that the previous adminstration thought important enough to do what essentially amounted to a gigantic roll of the dice in the region.
Time will tell if it worked, but it was a hugh gamble, and I don’t like gambling.

Make no mistake: Saddam deserved what he got and a thousand times worse. Now that we’ve done it and he’s dead, I think it’s a good thing, but I’m not going to pretend that his heinous-ness (I may have just made up that word) alone was worth the tremendous cost in US blood, nor the vast sums we’ve spent there and will have to for the foreseeable future.