
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

Guanxi889/29/2009 10:08:30 am PDT

re: #160 Equable

I totally agree. The contemporary pro West populace far outnumber the mullahcracy, but I’d hate to see us incite a horribly and unspeakably bloody civil war. When you take the boots of the necks, they usually find themselves having to lace their own.

Rule by the thugs there now is already a low-grade civil war - waged, in this case, by the leadership on the people. Persians are nowhere near as divided by sect, ideology, or history as were the Iraqis, and I’m confident that they could probably work things out without too much trouble on their own.

Again, this is only a targeted series of actions, intended primarily to disrupt or destroy the command and control functions of the thugs with the guns. It could be mild (phone lines cut, radios jammed, etc.) or it could be heavy (targeted attacks on barracks, offices, and other personnel resources) directly realted to them