
Frum: Republican Fratricide

filetandrelease10/23/2009 12:41:43 pm PDT

re: #155 ralphieboy

But they do have a few key elements that annoy me:

1) massive military spending, maximum outsourcing with minimal oversight

2) continued reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear energy as primary sources of energy

3) anti-abortion, anti gay marriage and anti-stem cell research

4) anti evolution in schools

5) minimum regulation of financial industry, but bailouts when the system collapses

6) A tax system that encourages tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy but does little to encourage them to invest their money in anything that creates domestic jobs.

1 and 2 though weighted on the R side of the isle are problems with both parties. Although as a conservative I do support a strong military. I would like to see less abortions, but keep the government out of it, including paying for it.

The religious’s right efforts to take control of the Repulican party is not a main stream conservative agenda. It is a fringe element with a loud voice perpetuated by the media trying to take over the party.

Non Rhinos are not happy with the current tax structure in this county. Ideas from “Flat tax” to 0 tax on corporations are often floated in non rhino circles.

Number 6 crossed both party lines.

It would be easy to create a stupid list for the left in this country.

They want to take away guns, they want sex ed in elementary school, they want to pay retribution for slavery, …

It is just silly, IMO. Perfect for other blogs.