
Jon Stewart on the 'Mega Mosque' Morons

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/08/2010 3:10:15 pm PDT

re: #159 Jimmah

Spencers’s whole schtick is to claim that Islam is a uniquely contemptible religion. Only Islam has an expansionist agenda; and only Islamic fundamentalists seek to impose their religious views through law. The geniuses of the ‘anti-jihad movement’ also seem to believe that only Muslims have a taboo about pigs a belief that has been the basis of many a bigoted comment or act. Btw, this is in no way a slam on Jews - I’m just pointing out the distorted picture that these people are painting.

Cretins like Spencer make it difficult to discuss the very real problems that exist within Islam.

Lefties have a tendency to draw false parallels between abandoned or antithetical practices in Christianity and Judaism from ages past, with very real modern practices of Islam today.

I am not going to attempt to paint all of Islam with one brush. To do so would be as ignorant as painting Irish Catholics with the same brush in all things as Russian Orthodox. However, to ignore the stoning, the misogyny, the murder of gays or the support of suicide bombing and Jihad in the “kill infidels” sense of the word, is just flabbergastingly wrong.