
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

albusteve1/07/2011 9:06:51 am PST

re: #169 lawhawk

When the Palestinians (and Arabs and Iranians and other anti Semites) deny the Holocaust existed, they often do so at the same time expropriating the language of the Holocaust for their own needs - claiming that Israel is perpetrating a Holocaust on Palestinians even as there has been no such genocide or ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Period. Hysterical claims of genocide - like in Jenin - simply did not exist. But the lies persist and Hamas’ top thug is merely repeating what has been long held by Palestinians - that the Holocaust, which was a major reason for the founding of Israel - took away their birthright and is somehow illegitimate.

where is the UN?….shouldn’t they step in and debunk these guys?, wouldn’t that be a legitimate endeavor?….could the EU speak out for Holocaust victims in the name of reason and history?….nah