
Missouri GOP Rep. Todd Akin: 'Female Body Has Ways to Shut Down' Pregnancy in Case of 'Legitimate Rape'

Pythagoras8/19/2012 1:24:23 pm PDT

re: #168 Millicent Islam

There are some truly awful, evil assumptions in this claim of Akin’s. First is the idea that women who get pregnant from a rape must have enjoyed it— it wasn’t “legitimate rape”. Really horrific when you realise he’d apply this to ten year olds and victims of incest as well.

Second, buried in there is also the notion that rape itself just isn’t possible— if a woman is penetrated, she must have consented somehow. Possibly by leaving her house, or wearing a skirt, or wearing too tight jeans.

These ideas form part of the rape culture, and as disgusting as Akin is I welcome that discussion. Let’s drag all this crap out into the light where it can be dealt with.

Brilliant! This is why it’s so uniquely offensive.