
Must-See Video: Requiem 2019 (Rutger Hauer)

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/25/2012 8:32:59 am PST

re: #164 darthstar

The problem is that we need to do a ton of stuff to combat AGW, and it’s going to require a very high level of government spending. We’re starting from this “All government spending is bad and evil” position the GOP has wedged us in, and we have to go a long way just to get to the normal of “Government spending can be a very good thing for the economy, and it’s needed for those things which the private market can’t provide for well, like health insurance and flood insurance.” Then we have to get from there to “Spend hugely on R&D for anti-AGW stuff and for adaptation to the new high temperatures”.

I suspect that it may wind up that the armed forces are what most effectively work on this, since they’re the largest command part of our economy and they mostly understand how fucking terrible AGW is going to be from every perspective.