
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/16/2013 6:11:41 am PST

re: #168 lawhawk

The right wingers made issue with the fact that President Obama restored the lifetime USSS security detail for the President once he’s out of office, amending the law back to a pre 1997 version that limited the detail for former presidents to 10 years after leaving office. Under the 1997 law individuals who are in office before January 1, 1997, will continue to receive Secret Service protection for their lifetime. Individuals elected to office after that time will receive protection for 10 years after leaving office. Therefore, President Clinton would have been the last president to receive lifetime protection under the 1997 law.

President Bush would have been affected by the 10 year cap, but Obama is now getting grief for a lifetime protection detail for former Presidents.

Obama creating jobs, but unfortunately they’re government jobs.

Surprised the nuts haven’t started referring to the Secret Service as becoming Obama’s “Praetorian Guard” or something like that. Guess they haven’t decided to switch the rhetoric over to Roman Imperial terms yet.