
Pamela Geller Cites Holocaust Denial Group as Source for Attack on ADL

Decatur Deb4/16/2013 8:07:21 am PDT

re: #124 wheat-dogghazi

Hello, dear lizard friends,

I’ve been off taking care of real-life things these last few days. Amid all this grief and hateration, may I inject some happy news? My daughter was married on Saturday in the White Chapel at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN. It was a perfect wedding, and we had a great time at the reception.

I’ve been back in the States since April 8 and right now am relaxing in Louisville, KY. My university in China gave me leave until April 29.

Sincere congratulation to the couple.

What do they worship in the chapel of an Institute of Technology?