
Greenwald's Guardian Articles Contain Dozens of Embedded Trackers From Corporate PRISM Participants

Birth Control Works8/13/2013 2:38:56 pm PDT

re: #161 engineer cat

When to Use a Release

Whether you need to obtain a release depends on why you want to use a person’s name or image. If your use is for commercial purposes—for example, using a person’s photo in an advertisement—you need to obtain a release. If your use is for informational purposes such as a documentary film or news article, you may not need a release. However, even if a release is not required, you should be careful that your use does not defame or invade the privacy of the individual. If there’s any potential that your use might violate these laws, a release will provide legal protection. Sorting out these differences can be confusing; examples are provided below. When in doubt, however, obtain a signed release

so why is it legal to record that i have visited a website and sell that information to a third party without explicit permission?

Let me interpret:

“The legality of using public images for commercial purposes is determined by the jurisdiction, the persons involved and the caliber of attorneys they employ.”