
Thursday Night Jam: Becca Stevens Band, "Imperfect Animals"

BeachDem1/22/2016 8:41:58 am PST

re: #144 ObserverArt

Seems like the Bernie Sanders Simon and Garfunkle commercial has caught a lot of attention. Yes, it is a good commercial. I always loved the song “America” but is it going to do much for Bernie?

A lot of people are thinking it is going to help with the youth vote. Well, that song was in a way a part of my youth and I am in my 60s. I’ll only vote for Bernie if he gets the Democrat nomination. Truthfully, I hope that does not happen as I think Bernie is a one note song. It’s a good note, but one that can be picked up by Hillary. And it is a note that will meet a ton of resistance. What else does Bernie have in his song book if he gets nowhere with sweeping economic change. Will he sit in his office and pout and get nothing done because he has been turned down time and again.

And if anyone thinks the GOP won’t pound Bernie into the ground about being a “commie” they do not pay attention to conservative campaigns. They want Bernie to be the Dem nominee bad. That should tell enough about how the Republicans think of him.

My big thing with Bernie is…he himself identifies as an independent socialist. And that will be how he is sold. Bad enough they will call him a commie, add in that he doesn’t even fully identify with the party and that will be used against him and all Democrats.

Bernie is just not in a good place. He should have announced he was a Democrat about 4 years ago. Then maybe he would gotten more backing from the Democrats. That is how party politics work. Bernie wanted his cake and to eat it to. I think that is a bit arrogant on his part.

I agree with just about every word of this. I think the “America” commercial is very well done and a breath of fresh air compared to the obnoxious GOP ads. Kudos to the producers and editors. And I also always loved the song. When I went to play it for a 26-year old, I was describing the song (belting out—It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw, as she stared at me as if I’d lost my mind.) She’d never heard the song before—not that it would make the ad ineffectual, but I think there’s a more emotional connection for “olds” like us, who remember the song as part of our youth.

I like Bernie’s zeal and most of his ideas, but the concept that all he needs to do is be elected and a wave of wonder will sweep over the nation is extremely naive and I keep hearing it more and more from his fans. That’s not how it works, and Bernie, who has been in government for 30+ years, knows that.