
Democratic Town Hall Open Thread

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN2/03/2016 8:45:01 pm PST

re: #151 Mattand

Jesus, you might want to cover up that exposed nerve there, chief.

And, yeah, W was the fucking captain of his own ship. It’s called being “the President”. Even Cheney has acknowledged as much.

I wish people would knock off the whole “Bush was a puppet” nonsense.

Of course Cheney acknowledged as much. He would have been crazy to say otherwise. George W. Bush was a puppet because he didn’t know what was really going on in the world. He infamously flubbed a simple foreign policy question during the campaign when he not only didn’t know Pervez Musharref’s name, but acted like it wasn’t important. (As opposed to Herman Cain’s Uzbekybeckystan statement, Pakistan was an extremely important figure in our foreign policy). He also once said he looked into Putin’s eyes and took the measure of the man, or something to that effect. It was pretty obvious that he wanted to be President, but he didn’t want to preside. He couldn’t tell the difference between good advice and bad. He couldn’t tell who was trustworthy and who wasn’t. For God’s sake his foreign policy team was a bunch of Cold War experts. So, yeah, George W Bush was a puppet. He was a weak leader who let himself be pushed around because he was dumb enough and uninterested enough to know what to do.