
Watch Live: Protesters at Donald Trump's Inauguration

lawhawk1/20/2017 1:02:04 pm PST

Heh. Someone asks to see one of those Make America Great Again hats up on the podium, finds a Made in China tag.

But before Graham delivered his interpretation, Florida Democrat Lois Frankel’s mother texted her and said, “Even God is crying,” according to Illinois Democrat Cheri Bustos, who was sitting next to Frankel.

For Bustos, though, the moment that stood out happened before Trump’s speech. A GOP colleague sitting in front of her was taking out his “Make America Great Again” hat and she asked to see it.

“And I look at the tag and the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat was made in China,” she said.

That moment was particularly poignant because Trump throughout the campaign and during his Inauguration speech talked about making products in America again, one of the few moments that actually drew applause from Democrats.

“There’s this disconnect between what he says and what he does,” Bustos said.

Bustos was sitting with Republican colleagues to her left and Democratic colleagues to her right. “So you literally, you could get the feel from all different angles,” she said.

While Democrats didn’t applaud throughout much of the speech, they were not actively protesting. Bustos said she only saw one Democratic member who remained seated as Trump was announced as the president, whom she did not identify.