
Trump's Muslim Ban Shut Down Again by the 9th Circuit Court

KGxvi6/12/2017 1:31:28 pm PDT

re: #150 Blind Frog Belly White

Honestly, though - can you imagine the poor writer who carefully plots out his 5-year story arc, and gets cancelled at mid-first-season? Or who hears that his 5th season, tying everything into a neat package, was so well received that the network wants another season? I guess the latter is preferable.

Speaking of 5-year arcs, “Arrow” has spent its 5 seasons developing Oliver’s character while also showing how he got to where he was at the start of Season 1 via flashback. The season finale brought that up to his rescue, where the show started.

So, will they start doing flashbacks from Season 1? I guess they save money, since the film is already in the can, and they don’t have to have Stephen Amell wear the ‘longhaired Ollie’ wigs….

I read that Season 5 was going to be the last season featuring flashbacks. Still working my way through the season on Netflix along with Legends and Supergirl (finished Flash - got caught up in it), but my guess is that Season 6 will focus on the now rather than the then