
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to "Reopen" Economy

Targetpractice4/16/2020 1:47:14 pm PDT

re: #167 KGxvi

The primary vs general election bit is sort of silly. Trump came in third in the 2016 Utah primary, but won the state in the general by almost 20 points (even with a favored son winning 21% of the vote).

That said, Sanders would have been a terrible nominee for about three thousand other reasons.

That was pretty much what Berners were banking on if he managed to win the nomination, that he’d benefit from the same “rally ‘round the flag” effect Trump did in 2016. Hence why they never made any attempt whatsoever to broad their appeal beyond their tiny base, the assumption that the rest of us would just bite our tongues and vote for him.

The reality that they’re now howling over the very same attitudes that they exhibited only a month ago is not lost on anyone.