
Colbert: Bannon Takes a Perp Walk; Biden's Infrastructure Bill Funds Everything That Makes America Go

steve_davis11/16/2021 1:55:06 pm PST

tele upgrade continues: it has locking tuners now and a fender 3 saddle bridge and vintage bridge plate. The only problem is I’ve now ordered Glendale compensating saddles, so I could have saved myself 30 bucks or so by just ordering the plate. Still, didn’t know I would get the itch to go compensating. If the intonation had been perfect with the saddles that came with it, I wouldn’t be worrying about the glendales. Still, it’s a 3 saddle arrangement which means intonation is never likely to be perfect anyway (each saddle shares two strings). And I’ve got Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster (bridge), and Vintage tele rhythm (a neck pickup) showing up tomorrow, and I’m gonna try to be brave enough to install them myself. I’m treating the whole guitar like a learning project. I’d like to become a damned good set-up man. Not a master luthier: I don’t have the skill set for that. But somebody who can look at a cheap strat in a pawn shop and think, “Yeah, I could change out all the pots and the pickups, and I could make that something nice.”