
Video: The Basics of Evolution

Randall Gross4/04/2009 3:40:21 pm PDT

re: #144 BryanS

What I also find amazing is how much we’ve advanced in just the past couple hundred years. What finally “clicked” to make our current society work so well compared to just a couple hundred years ago.

I really think it was the age of reason/ rennaissance that created the current spurt of advancement, however if you step back and look at the whole of history with non-political unjaundiced eye for just the major long term trends, you see that Humanity tends towards the good over time, and that steady progression is our hallmark. Certainly there are dives like the dark ages, but on average GDP and inflation worldwide average +3 percent, on average we increase the power and wealth all individual humans have potential to wield, and on average knowledge increases, lifepans increase, and the pace of that increase is….increasing. I’ve got a lot of confidence in our future barring accidental destruction of the planet.