
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 4:49:57 pm PDT

re: #171 Jimash

I can follow the arguments, mostly.

” smoking gun, that the warming is NOT solar driven”

Yes this is a correct statement, for the warming to be a result of Solar variation or for that matter any extraterrestrial origin, the heating would have to be occurring from the outer atmosphere down. Yet is is heating from near the surface (where all the emissions are) up. Do you understand why t has to be that way and why this is a smoking gun?

But the entire climate IS solar driven isn’t it ?

Of course and well duh, but the climate is changing and solar output is not in any significant way. Therefore, we are trapping more of the sun’s energy.

And the sun has been taking it easy right ?

Ever so very slightly, and yet we are still warming.

And the warming has NOT proceeded apace per 2001 expectations has it ?
When do you expect that it will pick up again ?

And just how many times do you need to see that particular stupid denier talking point debunked before you learn the science?

Why not look at the actual data? I linked it to you three times already… here’s a fourth. It’s just a mouse click… try it…