
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

sliv_the_eli9/21/2010 4:21:11 pm PDT

re: #165 Obdicut

Um, no, I didn’t speak of “legitimate objections” to DADT repeal, nor did I suggest that any exist. My posts make my position on DADT repeal perfectly clear.

And, yes, I blame the Dem leadership for presenting this issue in a way that made it impossible for them even to get the vote of Republican Senators like Susan Collins who supports repeal of DADT. The Dems have almost a filibuster proof majorty in the Senate. If they really cared about this issue, they would have made sure to do it in a way where they get the one or two Republican votes they need.

But I guess in a world where all Repubs are evil and all Dems pure as the driven snow, that wouLd make me the one “arguing dishonestly”.