
Teabagger Fail in Madison, with Half Governor and Breitbart

Gus4/16/2011 12:38:59 pm PDT

re: #170 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

I’ve said before that if you want to see the future of America’s energy independence, it’s not in drilling ANWR or off-shore, it’s in home fuel cells, in windmills, and (yes, Sarah) in solar shingles that will allow Americans to rely more on what their homes can produce and less on what the smog-belching fossil-fuel fired plant in the next county can provide.

Of course, Big Energy’s gonna fight that tooth and nail, because if their customers are in any way self-sufficient, it robs them of their ability to gouge them for whatever they’re willing to pay.

Which of course might mean that Palin’s stammering and folksy comments on “solar shingles” was just a shout out to her hosts, Koch Industries.