
Joad Cressbeckler's Brokeback Mining Camp

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks6/23/2011 4:58:59 pm PDT

re: #158 CuriousLurker

Another funny anecdote… I think it was at the start of the war in Afghanistan, when we were all supposed to be angry at the French…

I go into to the corner store for a bottle of cold water, and notice that one brand is significantly cheaper than the other brands for the same volume.

I ask the proprietor “What’s up with that”? He tells me that that brand is French, and no one wants to buy it because of the whole war/politics thing going on.

I reply “Oh, but they’re perfectly content to drive around a car full of oil from the middle east, eh”?

So I buy the French stuff, ‘cuz I’m frugal like that.