
Days Before RNC Featuring Two Birther Speakers, Romney Makes Birther 'Joke'

Barflytom8/24/2012 11:30:25 am PDT

re: #76 HappyWarrior

I think D’Sousa is among the worst being a son of immigrants himself and then appealing to the worst nativist sentiments.

But at least he was kind enough to send Obama’s destitute brother a thousand bucks, which is apparently more than B H Obama has ever done.

D’Souza was actually born in India btw.

How many times has Obama said “I am my brother’s keeper” in a speech ?
Does it not occur to you lefties that that might be just a tad hypocritical since his actual brother lives in a tin shack in a slum ?
And before any of you reply that George Obama is a hopeless drunk, and that sending him money which he will just blow on booze isn’t doing him any good; have you not heard the same objection to welfare ?

I’m curious to see how you can excuse Obama’s neglect of his own brother…