
GOP Hostage Takers Release New Message

Dr Lizardo10/05/2013 2:47:39 pm PDT

re: #150 darthstar

I’d settle for unconditional surrender and resignation of those holding the government hostage.

I don’t want them to resign. That’s too easy.

I want them there in Congress. I want them shunted aside, exiled and outcasts from the GOP. I want them to ruminate everyday on their utter and wholesale failure in their risible and contemptible attempt to govern by tyranny of the minority. I want them to have them in office so that they have to face their equally cretinous constituents and explain why they are such abysmal failures. I want them to have to explain on the Sunday morning talk shows and Fox News why they are so hopelessly impotent.

That’s a far more deserving fate for them. Examples of total failure writ large.