
Gallup Poll: GOP Favorability Sinks to Historic Low

Birth Control Works10/09/2013 3:38:32 pm PDT

re: #149 Dr Lizardo

Buckley was far from perfect, but I will give credit where credit is due. He had little patience from the proto-wingnuts of his era, and he did make a solid effort to keep them at bay.

Even Barry Goldwater detested the Religious Right; I remember a 60 Minutes interview with him, where he remarked he was flying on a private plane and someone the PA tuned to a televangelist, and he yelled out, “Someone turn that g***amned skypilot off!” He was concerned about the influence the RR and the Fundamentalist SoCons would have. He was right; Michelle Bachmann is pretty much his fears come to life.

There is a quote by Goldwater: something like: zealotry in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Anyway, I’ve always remember the sentiment in relation to his name.