
Snarky Puppy Live @ Festival Django Reinhardt 2018: "Grown Folks"

Joe Bacon ✅2/16/2019 9:03:45 am PST

re: #169 Unshaken Defiance

Most people I can blow off or exclude. But those pesky relatives…
I get stuck at the reality check. Right back to Obama was an American citizen with each and every birthright that goes with that status. If you can’t get that you can’t get anywhere near economics, child separation, let alone Russia and all the indictments and jail terms.

My brainwashed Jesusbot family STILL believes the birther nonsense. And now they are using the same “both parents must be native born Americans” Orly Taitz argument against Kamala Harris. You cannot shake that belief from them.

I hate and despise what Church has done to my family.