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A Three Hour Tour6/14/2024 4:48:51 pm PDT

re: #167 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Man, the difference between the LA DSA and the Nebraska DSA is like the gulf between planets.

There are times the DSA here is not happy with Democratic Party, but the DSA also knows the Democrats can be reasoned with. The GOP cannot.

Pragmatism, who knew that will get you what you want? 50% of what you want is still better than 0%.

The LA DSA appear to have gotten high on their own supply of self-righteous dudgeon and political theory that can’t pass muster in an electoral contest in which the voters are “normal” people.

The Nebraska DSA appears to recognize that you have to work with the voter pool and politicians you have available to you and also recognizes the value of incremental change. LA DSA doesn’t, apparently.