
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

zombie2/13/2009 6:41:02 pm PST

re: #156 Charles

By the way, Ron Paul will be speaking at CPAC this year. Along with Ann Coulter and a gaggle of creationist politicians and far-right Christian groups.

Just sayin’.

Great, just great.

I gotta get crackin’ on that essay.

Seriously, it’s at least a two- or three-month project.

But at this point, there is no named ideology remaining with which I feel confortable. Complete psychopaths have already taken over and destroyed “liberalism,” and now it looks like “conservativsm” is headed down an equivalent path.

What is left for poor zombie?

The only option is to invent (or at least identify) my own ideology.