
Randall Terry Threatens Violence if Health Care Pays for Abortion

dwells387/20/2009 2:15:17 pm PDT

Not sure I put this in the same category as the creepy RoP veiled threats we’ve become so used to because with the RoP a.) adherents becomes apoplectic at the thought of ridiculous and harmless things such as a picture of the prophet with a bomb in his hat or a young Muslim girl falling for a handsome young infidel (or the reverse: handsome Muslim/fetching infidel) and b) those making the veiled threat usually make it clear they thoroughly sympathize and agree with said violent reactions while mouthing their obviously feined “fear” of such actions. But I do agree this is somewhat in that direction.

My response is if your God is all they say He his then He doesn’t need His followers to go out and execute the come-uppances to the bad people. Like when bad things happen to good people He’ll use his omniscience and omipotence to mete out the just rewards/penalties in his usual strange and mysterious ways so don’t trouble your little head.