
Anti-Gay CA Republican Arrested for DWI After Leaving Gay Bar

What, me worry?3/04/2010 1:31:31 pm PST

re: #170 SixDegrees

So far, we’ve had two posters claiming straights hang there, as well as gays. Frankly, this matches my own experience in “gay” bars; it’s a mixed bag.

But as I said - I’m happy to concede the point if you think it’s that important. It doesn’t affect the point I was making in my original post in any way, even if they card customers at the entrance and turn away all straights.

Hmmm… A “Family Values” candidate shouldn’t be anywhere near a gay bar. He shouldn’t be anywhere near a dance club without his wife either. If he’s going to preach all those lovely family values with wifey and kiddies at his side, he shouldn’t be drunk and dancing up a storm without his wife.

I’da taken a golf club to his ass.