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SanFranciscoZionist5/03/2010 5:24:02 pm PDT

re: #153 wrenchwench

In the 70’s, vandal put up posters with sweetened condensed milk. Almost permanent, once dried. I wonder if that was the “powerful form of glue” used there.

Not sure. Michael and all his minions share this extremely earnest and overly detailed writing style. Could be anything.

This upsets me. I don’t like Michael’s politics, didn’t when I worked for them, and I’ve traveled far enough to the right since then that I’m probably now one of the ‘right-wing Zionists’ he blames this on in the title of his press statement, by his standards.

But you don’t do something like this to a person’s home. It’s illegal, it’s morally wrong, and as he’s already suggesting in his press statement, this will get used as grist for the mill of ‘Jews who are critical of Israel don’t dare speak out’.

Stand With Us has released a statement denouncing this, and asking people to come forward if they know anything, as has my local Right Wing Zionist group, which makes me feel some better.