
A Note to the Fanatics Who Sent Me Photos of Dead Babies This Morning

Tweety8/07/2010 1:01:47 pm PDT

171. Charles,

Granted, but Huxley simply projected what he felt was a likely scenario, at least in the Western world, exaggerated and dramatised for the purpose of fiction. I believe he saw himself as an educator.

172. Obdicut,

It only makes no sense if you believe life begins at birth, rather than conception. I suppose if we want to nitpick to extremes we can talk of “mother-to-be.”

I’ve never been comfortable with the idea that from conception through to just before birth there is simply a collection of cells which is only regarded as human when it draws the first breath outside the womb.

I’m not repeating what I’ve learned and this isn’t a classroom. I’m expressing my misgivings about abortion.

I’m not the student and you are not the lecturer. Why don’t you just come out and express your point of view instead of jumping to confusions about me?