
Monday Night Open

NJDhockeyfan4/05/2011 7:14:21 am PDT

This seems the be the biggest story in the news this morning…

U.S. Reverses on 9/11 Trials

The Obama administration Monday abandoned its effort to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on trial in civilian courts, saying the accused terrorists will instead face military trials at Guantanamo Bay, in the prison President Barack Obama had promised would be closed more than a year ago.

The move, announced by Attorney General Eric Holder on the same day that Mr. Obama formally launched his bid for re-election, marked a significant reversal on an issue that has vexed two successive administrations.

Mr. Holder blamed politics for the continued delay in bringing the defendants to justice.

I think the lefty blogs are going to go apeshit about this decision.