
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Vicious Babushka9/09/2011 11:29:36 am PDT

re: #148 SanFranciscoZionist

I don’t know what it is about Amy Winehouse. The hostility toward her from many punditty types seems out of proportion. There was some guy who was trying to tie her into the riots in England—look, this is the symbol of the culture that produced all this!

Yes, the poor girl was a drugged-out mess, and died as a result of her addictions. But she was a gifted musician, and as far as I can tell, not a cruel or dishonest person, so basically, the point is, they hate her for being an addict. Which is insane. What is this, they can’t really beat up on Billie Holiday any more?

Did people hate Mozart back in the day?