
Jon Stewart on the One Constitutional Amendment Fox News Will Defend

A Mom Anon4/26/2013 9:48:45 am PDT

re: #159 Bulworth

You know, when my daughter was little, we were broke ass poor. Our PP clinic would see her if the health dept was too crowded or I simply couldn’t get to the HD. These morons think that PP is nothing but a giant room filled with women getting simultaneous abortions. I don’t know what the hell we would have done without PP, for my then little girl (who will be 29 this yr)or myself. I never went to PP for an abortion, I went there so I wouldn’t be in the position to have to make that decision.

I’m about to the point of saying that men need to STFD and STFU about women’s biology until they can pass a basic health and human biology class. Idiots.